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MILLE OLIVE 義大利特級有機橄欖油 250ml (限量)

NT$ 780.00

Mille Olive   Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil  250ml 

Mille Olive 是在義大利中部的百年有機橄欖園品牌,由當地義大利家族經營的有機橄欖園。這片土地上一共有700棵老叢橄欖樹,只種植義大利中部特有的 Carboncella 橄欖。 Carboncella olives在成熟時顏色會轉變成美麗的深紫色。這片土地擁有得天獨厚的地理條件&氣候,追朔到羅馬帝國時期,這片土地上除了橄欖樹樹外,還種植無花果,杏桃,石榴,黑莓,野生蘆筍以及各式香草....所以這裡培育出的橄欖,擁有豐富多元的風味。Mille Olive 橄欖油獨特的果香,胡椒辛辣味跟香氣是其他品種所沒有的。為了製作出最頂級風物的橄欖油,所有的橄欖都遵循當地的薩賓傳統純手工採摘。唯一改變的地方是在冷榨的過程採用最新的工業技術,加速流程,達到降低氧化以及酸度值,使風味更佳順口。

為了讓營養素完全保留住Mille Olive 的橄欖油全程冷榨不過濾,淡金色的橄欖油看得到明顯的綠色紋路。淋在沙拉上或單獨沾麵包最能嚐出豐富的橄欖油滋味。

Mille Olive

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

unfiltered & cold-pressed

Il Casale delle Mille Olive is located high in the Sabine hills. With over 700 centenarian trees it maintains an impressive cultivation, yielding hundreds of  liters of organic extra virgin olive oil annually.

For centuries, olive trees have peppered our slopes, prospering in an environment characterized by a temperate climate, an ideal altitude, and ample southern exposure. Our olive orchard shares the slopes with fig, pomegranate, apricots and peach trees, and blackberry bushes, and scents of wild asparagus, mint, sage, and oregano.

Mille Olive has maintained the Sabine tradition of harvesting olives  in the region throughout the centuries. Olives are still exclusively hand-picked. The only modification has been to adapt the olive pressing to the latest technological advances, assuring that the process – from the initial washes to the cold-pressing – produces an oil of the highest quality. One of the great virtues of the cold-pressed Mille Olive Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the low acidity, largely due to the prompt harvesting of the olives and the manufacturing of oil without delay.


Mille Olive extra virgin olive oil is cold pressed and unfiltered and obtained only from our orchard of Carboncella olives, a variety native only to these hills. The Carboncella oil is considered più saporito or ‘more tasteful’ with the perfect peppery accent that is sought after by the great epicures. The olives were recognized for their flavor as far back as the times of the Roman emperor Vespacian.

The color of the oil is a pale gold with strong streaks of green. Made from the right mixture of green and ripe olives, it has a fruity, piquant, and aromatic taste. Fruttato, the inspiring green scents and fruity flavor that defines this oil, is characterized by the deep tones of mature olives with pleasant hints of edible wild greens, freshly cut grass and a bite of seasonal artichokes.

From land to hand, Mille Olive EVOO is a pure act of love to the last drop!